Flutter Flag


If you watch this film of the astronauts planting the Stars & Stripes on the 'Moon' you can see it flutter.  This means it must have been in the wind.  This means it must have been on Earth as we all know there is no atmosphere on the moon!

There's two answers we can give to this theory.  Let's start by first asking what happened to the stage set this was all supposed to have been done on?   Was it open to the elements?  Or did the stage designer think a little bit of the wind machine would add a bit of authenticity to things?  You might also want to think about all that fake moon dust lying around.  That dust that stirs up as soon as any of the astronauts move.  For some strange reason we have a brisk breeze blowing from somewhere, yet all this dust remains undisturbed.

The other way can approach the problem is by a little experiment we can all do at home.

  1. Get a flag.  For extra points get a Stars & Stripes, but any flag will do.

  2. Thread a thin pole along the top edge that's slightly shorter than the flag to make it look like it's in mid-flutter.   This looks much better than the limp rag it would appear otherwise with no wind to blow it.

  3. Attach the flag to a pole.  This pole doesn't have to be particularly sturdy, you're going to be putting it somewhere with absolutely no wind and little gravity.  A light aluminium pole would do.

  4. Now find somewhere outside with absolutely no wind.

  5. Wearing very thick gloves, stick the pole into the ground.  Push hard, pretend you can't bend over because you're wearing a very thick coat, twist and wiggle the pole about as you force it into the ground.   Look!  It's fluttering!

  6. Let pole go.

  7. Look! It's still fluttering!  Or is it just the vibrations of the pole after you flexed it while you were pushing it into the ground?

  8. You may also want to imagine you're on the moon.  How much bigger and longer would these 'flutters' appear with less gravity and no air resistance?

  9. Salute.  Quick.  Get a friend to video this.

  10. Send video to Fox.  They have another 'documentary' in the making!

So is this what caused the flag to flutter?  To be honest, I don't know.  Maybe.   All I'm saying is that there is very simple, straight-forward explanation that's a lot more likely than claiming some massive conspiracy.